A lot of new parents in Los Angeles are so busy that they completely neglect to buy a quality crib mattress. A lot of people don't realize it but a lot of the mattress that come with cribs are usually poor quality. This is why it is so important to invest in a proper mattress for your child. You baby is going to be spending a lot of time sleeping in their cribs, this is why you want to provide the most comfort and safety possible for them while they are in there. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of great resources available for people that are interested in learning more about these products. This is why we have put together a few tips to help you pick the perfect crib mattress for your son or daughter.
Tip #1: When buying a mattress, especially a crib mattress, there are many things to consider. In the case of buying a crib mattress, you must consider what type of mattress would suit your child's needs best. There are four types of mattresses: innerspring, latex/rubber, foam/memory foam, and air/water. Generally speaking, crib mattresses won't be found in memory foam or air/water. The most common is innerspring closely followed by latex/rubber with foam coming in third. When considering crib mattresses, firmness and support come first. The mattress must be supportive enough for your baby's initial growth. The next factor is allergies and chemical exposure. In our early years we can have and develop allergies to many things, so it is always a great idea to confirm with your family pediatrician what to avoid when buying crib mattresses. In this vein, organic products suit a wide variety of needs and can be found at similar price points as non-organics.
Folding Crib
Tip #2: Once you have selected which style of mattress would be best for your child, you want to consider the characteristics of the mattress itself. A lot of crib mattress products that are available are not properly manufactured to suit the core needs your baby has: comfort, support, safety, and health. This is why it is important to invest in a quality mattress. When buying latex, rubber, or foam in particular, the density of the foam, latex or rubber should be high enough to properly support your baby's growing bones. Always be sure to find out what materials have been used in crafting the mattress as some prove to be more toxic than others.